Friday, October 4, 2002
Lilith, Queen of Hell
In December of 2000 - almost two years ago - Eric A. Burns, also known as
"Whistling In The Dark", posted to the INML
a new setting for In Nomine. He wrote of the death of Lucifer, the
rise of Lilith to ultimate Infernal power, and the chaos that
Unfortunately, I didn't get all of it. (In fact, I only had one
out of the ten posts that he made.)
Recently, I inquired of Mr. Burns whether he would be willing to send
me the full extent of his setting, as I wanted to post it here but
didn't have all of the pieces. Mr. Burns obliged - for which I am
quite grateful - and, as a result, I can now
post the setting in its entirety.
Thanks and gratitude to Mr. Eric Burns, both for writing this setting
and for helping me to post it here.
-- EDG
Thursday, August 29, 2002
In Anime We Trust
In autumn of last year, anticipation for In Nomine Anime
was building, and as a result, many of the articles from that period deal
with the themes that would presumably be set forth in that book.
They weren't always right about those themes, but when has that stopped
the INML?
Submission Guidelines
I know you've all been clamoring for them, so I've gone ahead and drafted some
submission guidelines for the INC. Enjoy!
-- EDG
Thursday, June 27, 2002
Just Another Update
The Angel, and Bartholomew
Just... go read them.
Patriotism Gone Wild (Added 4 July 02)
Just a random update to wish all of our United States readers a happy
Fourth of July.
No, I don't have a new color scheme for the page just for today. Why?
No, This Wasn't James Walker Month
...it's just that James was an amazingly prolific poster of original material in
the autumn of last year, much like Moe Lane was during the early parts of 2001, and
since I'm posting these chronologically (for the most part), his name pops up a lot
more than others' as a result.
Obligatory Non-IN Content
Actually, today (Saturday the 29th - ignore the date behind the curtain),
Mac Hall does have some In Nomine
content - if only so much as Ian saying he's upset that he can't find any In
Nomine players.
Nonetheless, Mac Hall is one of the better webcomics you'll find on, well,
the web, in my ever-so-humble opinion. It may not be everybody's cup of tea, but
I suggest you check it out anyway.
-- EDG
Thursday, June 6, 2002
Fantasy Month
August 2002 was Fantasy Month, as I'm sure you can tell from the recent updates.
Remember, folks, I don't choose these themes. I'm just updating chronologically. ^_^
An Unofficial Poll
Once again it's time for me to think updating the look and feel of the In Nomine
Collection. Part of me wants to keep things as backwards-compatible as possible;
the other part wants to use CSS, layers, et cetera. So I'll ask you:
Should I keep the site as text and images, or move on to Cascading Stylesheets?
Click here (link deleted)
to vote for backwards-compatibility (as many browsers as possible will be able to use
the INC).
Click here (link deleted) to vote
for new technology (fewer browsers will be able to see the pages for what they are, but
the site will look neater).
If you're so inclined, feel free to give me a reason for your answer, too.
-- EDG
Saturday, April 20, 2002
Finally all back and running.
Occasionally, some of the members of the mailing list
declare a theme for the month. In the past, there have been
Fantasy months, Horror months... you get the idea. June of 2001
was Marcfest. Nearly everything I have from that 30-day stretch
relates to Marc in one way or another.
So if you get sick of Marc, blame them.
-- EDG
Saturday, April 6, 2002
I'm moving this weekend, and it might take a while for me to get back
online. If you send me email
this week, please forgive me if I don't answer it for a bit.
I dislike posting what I write here, but a lot of people have
expressed interest in the "? Cycle" that I'm currently writing. If
you're one of those people, the full story to date can be found
Take care, folks. See you next week.
-- EDG
Saturday, March 16, 2002
You will find three new links to the left: Litheroy (whose link has
been moved there from this news box simply because a news box is a
really silly place to have a semi-permanent link, recent events
notwithstanding), William J. Keith's GURP:IN Song Translations (which
are an excellent and complete resource), and Perry Lloyd's In Nomine
House Rules (which make sense, and besides I was asked to link them :).
You will find also that the number of new articles added this week
alone numbers more than one hundred. By the end of this weekend,
that number should be in the multiple hundreds.
You will find as a side note that I have stopped including the email
addresses of the articles' authors on the article pages themselves.
This is a measure taken to reduce email spam, and as soon as I can
I will be extracting the email address from every article I can find.
With luck and vigilance, I hope to have a new (database-driven) system
in place, so that I can allow you the reader to provide feedback to
the authors without allowing the addresses to be farmed. (Database
isn't gonna happen. *sigh*)
More news as it happens.
-- EDG

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EDG <edg@sjgames.com>
INC Curator