December 15, 1997
A whole bunch of people got creative with
trailers for In Nomine movies, and I got inspired.
I also got some new Songs and stuff -- I should put my "Quick and Dirty
HTML" thing up on these pages! It takes *lots* less time to just make
the links...
December 5, 1997
Doug Atkinson sends me a lot of already
HTML'ed stuff -- characters, a setting, and much more. This saves my fingers
December 3, 1997
After deciding that PMS is a Discord (something
akin to Angry, Berserk, and Murderous), I finally get around to updating
this thing. And Casca was sending me stuff, so I wouldn't forget where I
put it...
November 20, 1997
A whole lot of angelic characters got added
to the Rogue's Gallery (finally),
and a few demonic ones. I fixed the blessed Dark
Victory pages about a dozen times. I still have to upload Eli's to fix
a typo, but I'll get around to it.
November 11, 1997
Huntington is 10.4 pounds, and doing monthly
chemo instead of bi-weekly. I'm updating some of the Dark
Victory pages.
November 7, 1997
November 5th (Guy Fawkes Day (that spelled
right?)) was my Birthday. How old am I? Old enough... Check out the fiction pages for a few new links.
October 30, 1997
Happy Halloween (or thereabouts). Huntington:
9.8 lbs, but his intestines feel really good now, according to the vet.
I've got a few more things here and there...
October 21, 1997
Check out In
Nomine jewelry! (I haven't even looked at this page yet, but I already
want some!) And Huntington is still 10 lbs and loves to sit on my chest.
In more In Nomine news, I've got some updates for Redneck Gaijin's Dark Victory universe.
October 6, 1997
Huntington (my cat on chemo) is up to 10
lbs. I've got some time to put in more characters,
mostly, but I've tried to update the fiction
as well.
September 12, 1997
I am now the new Line Editor for In Nomine...
This will be interesting. I'm going to have some characters, and some new
adventures on the INC, if I can... Maya
is still at work with fiction, not all of which I have linked, more's the
August 26, 1997
Well, Maya's
still going strong with fiction and other stuff. Do check out her "Bus Queue" snippet.
August 18, 1997
Huntington is up to 9.5 pounds! I'm so happy.
I've been working to get some more stuff up -- but on my GURPS
Characters pages. I still got a few new things up here, though.
August 12, 1997
Back from GenCon. Gleeb! Have many many things
I want to put up. Huntington is still hefty, and did not eat the petsitter.
This is good. Met Karakash, Micah, Scott, and Shadowcat, amongst others.
Did not get to play in the pickup IN game, darnit. Shoulda left a note for
us at the place we thought we were going to be able to play. Am putting
up some stuff of Maya's now, 'cause she's good.
July 28, 1997
Haven't been updating for a while. Still have
the cough. Huntington is up to 8.8 lbs, and I hope to keep him that way.
I'll be going to GenCon, so there probably won't be much in the way of updates
for a while... I'm putting in some stuff by the talented Edelstein
-- mostly characters, but also his In
Nomine New York writeup.
July 11, 1997
Doctor says I may have allergies, dunno, here's
some non-drousy antihistamines and a nasal steroid spray. Huntington continues
to be a finick, stressing me seriously. I put up some adventures and a couple
of new characters.
July 8, 1997
Huntington weighs 8.5 lbs and has been put onto
a week of Cytotoxin alternating with Prednisone {sp?}, instead of the leuko-thingy.
I still have the cough, and will be heading to the doctor Thursday. I'm
doing a lot of work in raw HTML today, so some of the new stuff may look
a little, well, raw. I'll pretty it up later, honest.
June 25, 1997
Huntington weighs 8.6 lbs (normal variation?)
and seems to be doing pretty well, except he's bored with his special food,
of course. *sigh* The vet would like to see him gaining some more weight,
June 18, 1997:
It's great not to have to get up early... Some
more adventures are being added. I still have a nasty cough that's left
over from the sore throat that accompanied the flu. (Yeah, like y'all care.)
Robitussan Honey Lemon is pretty effective, but Ricola's Herb-mumble (Honey
Herb and Lemon Herb, especially) are nearly as effective and much tastier.
June 11, 1997
Huntington, at 8.7 pounds, goes to chemo
every 2 weeks for a while, and gets his drugs changed around. The vet palpatated
him (is that the right word?) and says that his intestines don't feel thickened
anymore, which is probably A Good Thing. Discovered that he won't eat 9-Lives
Chicken in Gravy at all, and ain't so fond of Friskies version of that,
either. At least not the diced stuff. *sigh* Cats. He still wants to eat
his old, now undigestable food.
June 2, 1997
I am finally recovered from the flu, which took
me off-line here for nearly a week. Ick. Huntington is still doing fairly
well, though doesn't seem to be gaining as much weight. He's at about 8.3
pounds, and 9 would be a good weight for him, so maybe it's okay...
May 14, 1997
Huntington has gained a half-pound! This is A Good Thing.
Keep well-wishing! Also, I update adventure seeds, songs, and add some new
misc stuff. Thanks to Paul Strack (INC2)
to helping me keep up! A lot of stuff's turning HTML from txt -- some links
may be broken.
May 7, 1997
Huntington (the cat) has started chemotherapy and seems
to be doing well. All good wishes accepted happily! Also, I start updating
the page...
April 23, 1997
One of my cats is diagnosed with cancer and will go
in for chemotherapy in the next 2 weeks, lasting another 6 weeks. Updates
will be sparse in here, though I'll try to keep up with characters. Look
for data at the INC2
April 21, 1997
Still fighting with picky PageMill 2.0 (Adobe, a wholly
owned subsidary of Vapula, Inc.) to eliminate further corruption of "broken"
files, but think I finally have it licked. (Report
any "funky" stuff to me...)

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EDG <edg@sjgames.com>
INC Curator