
Short Notes

Starting with Roleplayer #3, this "What's New With Steve Jackson Games" column, Short Notes, appeared (except in #21).

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Roleplayer #3, November 1986


SJG-BBS is now up and going strong. After months of constant crashing, we got some professional help, and now it's going fine. The GURPS sub-board, and the Alpha Complex GURPS game, are two of the most active sections. Those parameters again: 512-447-4449, 24 hours, 1200 baud (at last!), 8-none-1.

A new staffer: Yes, we're looking for a new staff member (but by the time you read this, we may have one). If you can proofread, handle correspondence, and know GURPS and Deluxe Car Wars like the back of your hand, then you might qualify – send us a resume and a SASE.

Cardboard Heroes: We are planning to release at least two new sets soon – Denis Loubet has already finished the S-F set and is about to start on the pulp heros.

(Back to Roleplayer #3 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #4, February 1987


SJG-BBS is still going strong, with a slightly improved version of T-Net. The GURPS sub-board, and the Alpha Complex GURPS game, are still two of the most active sections. Those parameters again: 512-447-4449, 24 hours, 300 or 1200 baud, 8-none-1.

A new staffer: Yes, we did fill the position mentioned last issue. David Ladyman has joined our staff as GURPS guru-in-training.

Spies Wanted: We are trying to build our mailing list of retailers (among other things, we're thinking of doing a Roleplayer-like publication for retail stores). So . . . next time you write us, how about sending us the names and addresses of any game retailers in your area? This is especially important if the retailer doesn't stock all our line, or gets it in late . . . maybe some extra information from us will help him keep his stocks up.

Back Issues: While the supply lasts, back issues of Roleplayer are free for the asking. Just send a legal-sized SASE – use 39 cents postage if you want more than one issue – and tell us which ones you need. Right now we have a few #1, and lots of #2 and #3.

(Back to Roleplayer #4 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #5, April 1987


Better, Bluer Basic GURPS! As this goes to press, the printer is sending us the second edition of the GURPS Basic Set, complete with more durable covers (in blue), the Combat Modifiers table you can find here on page 2, a second character sheet (with a female outline), and all the corrections we know of. Of course, this doesn't make your first edition useless – we've printed all of the rules changes and corrections in Roleplayer, and will continue to do so, but we do like this new edition!

Spies Wanted: We are still trying to build our mailing list of retailers (among other things, we're doing a Roleplayer-like publication, Where We're Going, for retail stores). So . . . next time you write us, how about sending us the names and addresses of any game retailers in your area? This is especially important if the retailer doesn't stock all our line, or gets it in late . . . maybe some extra information from us will help him keep his stocks up.

Back Issues: While the supply lasts, back issues of Roleplayer are free for the asking. Just send an SASE – use 39 cents postage if you want more than one issue – and tell us which ones you need. Right now we have a few #1, #2 and #3, and lots of #4.

(Back to Roleplayer #5 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #6, August 1987


Horseclans/Humanx Release Party: If you're going to be at NASFIC, in Phoenix on Sept. 3-7, keep an eye on the Party Board. SJ Games is planning a release party, to be attended by Steve, Jerry Epperson (GURPS Horseclans), Curtis Scott (GURPS Humanx), and assorted SJ Games staffers and friends. Robert Adams has promised to be with us, and Alan Dean Foster may make it as well.

While They Last. We have a few leftover copies of the Characters and Adventuring books from first-edition GURPS. Useful if you can stand the paper covers. $5 apiece, postpaid.

Spies STILL Wanted: Our thanks to all the spies who let us know where they buy GURPS. These stores are now receiving our marketing newsletter, Where We're Going, so they will always know when your favorite games are coming out. And keep those reports coming – good spies are hard to find, and you're great!

New Staffers: The GURPS material we're planning is just too much for one person to handle, so we're dividing the load. David Ladyman will now function as GURPS system developer, and J. David (Jeff) George and Michael Moe have jumped on board as system editors.

SJG-BBS is, as some of you have noticed, down. We are working to correct the as-yet-unidentified computer failure – which may be connected to a recent thunderstorm – and the BBS should be on-line again soon. We are working with some new and better software.

Back Issues: We still have lots of issues 4 and 5, but we're fresh out of issues 1, 2, and 3. To receive back issues, send a legal-sized SASE (use 39 cents postage for more than one issue). Back issues go on a first come, first served basis, and when they're gone, they're gone.

Origins Awards: For those who hadn't heard, GURPS was nominated as Best Roleplaying Rules, 1986, while both GURPS Autoduel and Fantasy received nominations for Best Roleplaying Supplement. Thanks to everyone who sent in ballots nominating us.

Unfortunately, the GURPS line didn't take any awards this year. Congratulations to all those who did win, especially West End's GhostBusters, Best Roleplaying Rules, and Chaosium's Cthulhu by Gaslight, Best Roleplaying Supplement. (Gaslight author Bill Barton is one of the collaborators on our own upcoming GURPS Space.)

(Back to Roleplayer #6 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #7, November 1987


Comings . . . Two new editors have joined the SJ Games staff. Mike Hurst's first project is to write the long-awaited GURPS High-Tech sourcebook (see Coming Attractions for more information). Steve Beeman will be working primarily with Car Wars, although he will draw a GURPS project from time to time.

. . . and Goings. Two old editors are leaving. Long-time Autoduel Quarterly editor, Car Wars guru and GURPS Autoduel and Horror author Scott Haring has taken a position with TSR, heading for Lake Geneva just in time for a Wisconsin winter. GURPS Bestiary and Old Stone Fort editor Mike Moe has taken a lucrative job – relatively speaking – setting up a lab for a chemical firm here in Austin. Mike will be finishing the work on his current projects on a freelance basis, though. Good luck to both Scott and Mike!

What Does All This Mean? SJ Games is looking for a GURPS editor – with special GURPS Autoduel interest, to take over the Road Atlas series and other Autoduel America releases. Expertise with both GURPS and Car Wars is necessary for this position; in a pinch, we might hire someone who knows one system well, if he's willing to learn the other thoroughly. A proven writing background – preferably with journalistic experience – is also required.

GURPS Fantasy Wins Award. The Gamer's Choice Award for Best Fantasy Roleplaying Game at GenCon 20, held in August of this year, went to our own GURPS Fantasy. The winners of these awards are selected by a survey of the readers of Dragon magazine. Thanks to everyone out there who cast a ballot for us!

Witch World License. SJ Games has just closed a deal with Andre Norton to produce both GURPS supplements and boardgames based on the Witch World series. Look for the GURPS Witch World worldbook some time next year.

SJG-BBS. Just after RP 6 went to press, the SJG-BBS went back on line with new software and hardware. Observant subscribers may have noticed the Flash to this effect on the top of their mailing labels. Parameters for the BBS: (512) 447-4449, 24 hours, 1200 or 300 baud, 8-none-1.

(Back to Roleplayer #7 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #8, January 1988


Staff Update. SJ Games has a new managing editor. Beverly Hale joined the company in December, and will supervise the entire creative team, including both the editorial and production departments. Beverly has a strong background in publications and personnel management, and will be writing and editing as her schedule allows. Editor Bill Armintrout has left the company, but will continue to write for SJ Games on a freelance basis. Be on the look out for exciting GURPS supplements from Bill!

GURPS Errata. A new, updated version of the GURPS errata sheet is currently in the works, and should be available early next month. If you've kept up with Roleplayer, you've already got most or all of this information. If you've missed an issue or two, though, you might want to send a long SASE for the new errata sheet. Be sure to specify that you want the February 1988 sheet, so that your request will be held until the new errata sheet is ready.

Horseclans Prints. A limited edition of 500 signed, numbered prints of two paintings by Ken Kelly are now available through SJ Games. Kelly painted the covers for both GURPS Horseclans and the upcoming GURPS Bestiary. The prints available are 14" x 20" reproductions of the cover art for the novels The Coming of the Horseclans and Perilous Dreams, and may be ordered directly from SJ Games for $10.00 plus $1.50 postage and handling. Texas residents add 8% sales tax.

Good News and Bad. First the bad news: The release of the long-awaited GURPS Space worldbook has been postponed from late January release to mid-to-late February. Now the good news: The GURPS Bestiary sourcebook has been moved up in the schedule, to a late January release date. Both Space and the Bestiary are now planned for our larger, 112-page paperback format. See Coming Attractions, p. 8, for more details on these and other upcoming GURPS releases.

Blasts from the Past. SJ Games is bringing back two popular game "institutions" this winter. A revised, updated edition of Tom Wham's classic game, The Awful Green Things from Outer Space, will hit hobby stores this January, in a bright green Pocket Box. Later in January, Murphy's Rules – reprints of the Murphy's Rules cartoons from Space Gamer magazine – will be collected in a 48-page book. Included in the book are all of the Murphy's panels drawn by Pulitzer-prize-winning cartoonist Ben Sargent.

(Back to Roleplayer #8 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #9, March 1988


Staff Update. The creative staff at SJ Games continues to grow. Ken Trobaugh joined the company in February as Art Director/Print Buyer. Ken will report to Managing Editor Beverly Hale, and his duties will include supervision of the production staff, coordination of graphics for all SJ Games products, and print buying. Ken's already totally changed the look of the production room – soon we'll be able to see what he does with the products!

Editor Quest. SJ Games continues its search for a qualified editor(s) to add to its staff. We already have quite a few impressive resumes in, but no decision has yet been reached. If you have a strong writing background, and are familiar with both GURPS and Car Wars, you might just be the person we're looking for. Send your resume, along with a GURPS-related article for Roleplayer and a Car Wars-related article for ADQ, to: SJ Games, Attn.: Beverly Hale, Box 18957, Austin, TX, 78760.

Convention Appearances. SJ staffers will be attending a couple of SF and game conventions in the next few weeks. Steve Jackson will be a guest at Bashcon, a game con to be held March 4-6, at the University of Toledo Student Union in Toledo, OH. Three weeks later, Steve and Creede and Sharleen Lambard will be gaming guests at NorWesCon, an SF con to be held in the Sheraton Hotel in Tacoma, WA, March 24-27. Several other SJ staffers will be there as well, and will host an as-yet-unscheduled "Meet SJ Games" party some time during the weekend – watch the party board for details.

GURPS Errata. The updated GURPS errata sheet is now available, and is current through January, 1988. If you've kept up with Roleplayer, you're up on all the changes and corrections, but if you've missed an issue or two, send a long SASE for the new errata sheet.

Contest Winner. Actually, we don't know who won the Write-an-Adventure-for-Roleplayer Contest yet. Things were pretty much under control until the February 15 deadline, when we were snowed under with three times as many entries as we'd received up to that date. We do have it narrowed down to a handful of finalists, though: "Secondhand Souls," an Autoduel adventure by Michael Cule; "The Isle of Night," a Horror adventure by Scott Paul Maykrantz; and "The Brotherhood of Zehan," a Fantasy adventure by Aaron Stone. The winning adventure will be published in RP 10, as promised.

(Back to Roleplayer #9 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #10, May 1988


Contest Winner. The winner of the Write-an-Adventure-for-Roleplayer Contest is "The Isle of Night," by Scott Paul Maykrantz. As his prize, Scott will receive a $50 Gift Certificate, from Steve Jackson Games. His adventure appears this issue of Roleplayer, beginning on p. 4. Congratulations, Scott.

Yet Another Staff Update. Managing Editor Beverly Hale has left SJ Games to devote herself to freelance writing and personnel recruitment consultation (her other field of expertise). Sharleen Lambard, previously SJ Games' Director for Marketing, has taken over as Managing Editor. Editor Jeff George has been promoted to Assistant Managing Editor, and will aid Sharleen in her new duties.

Convention Appearances. SJ Games – in some form or another – will be attending four conventions over the next couple of months. First up is Gamex, at the Pasadena Hilton in Pasadena, CA, May 27-30; the three-man crew for this con has yet to be named. On June 3-5, Editors Jeff George and Steve Beeman and new Marketing Director Patricia Cuney will be at DallasCon at the Regent Hotel in Dallas, TX. Steve Jackson will be a guest at the Atlanta Fantasy Fair, June 24-26, at the Atlanta Hilton & Towers in Atlanta, GA. SJ himself will also attend Westercon 88, at the Hyatt Regency and the Adams Hilton in Phoenix, AZ, July 1-4.

Price Hike. After holding the line for three years, the rising costs of publication – and especially the cost of paper for printing – have finally forced SJ Games to raise prices. Effective April 15, 1988, prices on most GURPS products were increased by $1 to $4. The prices on Roleplayer and the GURPS Basic Set remain the same, however. For a complete price list of SJ Games products, send a legal-sized SASE to SJ Games, Box 18957, Austin, TX 78760. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Wild Cards License. SJ Games recently acquired a roleplaying license for the Wild Cards anthology series, edited by George R.R. Martin. For the uninitiated, Wild Cards is a shared-universe short story anthology series set on an alternate earth, presenting a very different view of super-powered humans than that of mainstream comics. Naturally, GURPS Wild Cards will be a supplement for GURPS Superheroes. More news as it develops.

(Back to Roleplayer #10 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #11, August 1988


"Is It Official?" There's been some confusion about the "official" status, or lack thereof, of things printed in Roleplayer. The only time that "official" status of a rule is really important to us is when we run a tournament. In that case, advantages, etc., from Roleplayer are "legal" only if the article specifically said they were official. So, for example, the rules on strangling and so on from RP #9 weren't "official" when they were published. But RP #10 said that they had been well received and were now official. So they are.

But to us, the only reason that distinction is important is because some GMs really want to use THE "official" rules. If you, as a GM, want to do that, fine. If not, any rule you like is official in your campaign, and that's the end of it.

Art, Anybody? This is both a brag and a request for feedback. If you haven't seen it yet, take a look at GURPS Japan. Both the cover and the interior "chapter splash pages" were done by our Art Director, Guy Burchak. Nice, yes? Yes. A detail from one of the splash pages is reproduced on p. 7.

We've had some good art before, but this is absolutely the best we've ever had in any of our GURPS products, and stands up well even beside the things Denis Loubet used to do for Space Gamer. The feedback question is this: How much does good art mean to you? Should we make it more of a priority? Or are you just interested in the words? Let us know.

New licenses. We now have the gaming licenses for both David Brin's Uplift series and Philip José Farmer's Riverworld books. It will be late 1989 (at least) before either one sees print . . . but they're coming. We're negotiating on some other interesting licenses, too.

Convention Appearances. SJ, and several other staffers, will be at the World Science Fiction Convention in New Orleans over the Labor Day weekend. There won't be a dealer's table, but there will probably be a company-sponsored party at least one night – read the daily zine there for details.

Terminology Change. From now on, when we give a "dice plus adds" formula, it will be in the form "1d+2" rather than just "1+2." This will be slightly clearer, and will avoid one especially annoying ambiguity: when you see, for instance, "4-6 hours," does it mean "4d-6 hours," or "four to six hours"?

Protecting Your Books. Michael Cromis sends this hint: A piece of clear contact paper wrapped around a game-book cover will keep it from tearing and protect it from minor drink spills and so on. (The new cover material we're using should be somewhat Coke-resistant, but this sounds like a good idea anyway.)

(Back to Roleplayer #11 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #12, December 1988


Editorial Changes. The editorial staff has undergone quite a few changes since the last Roleplayer. Steve Jackson is Editor in Chief; Ken Trobaugh is Managing Editor. Editors are Mike Hurst, Lisa A. Smith, Creede Lambard and Charles Oines.

Super Delay. Once again, GURPS Supers has been moved back on the schedule. We hope to have it out in the first quarter of 1989.

GMs Wanted. SJ Games would like to hear from GURPS GMs who are interested in running GURPS events at conventions.

Conventions Wanted. We would also like to hear from convention organizers interested in having a GURPS event run at their convention. We will provide prizes and will match GMs with conventions.

(Back to Roleplayer #12 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #13, February 1989


Space Weapons. Space and Humanx Ranged Weapons have been updated to conform with GURPS High-Tech; see p. 4. Roleplayer #14 will feature a designer's article by Mike Hurst, explaining Space weapons and armor.

Convention Schedule. These are some of the conventions that SJ Games will be attending: NY Toy Fair (Feb. 15-20); LA Orcon (Feb. 16-21); MS FalCon (Feb. 16-20); Las Vegas GAMA (Mar. 4-8); Dallas Toy Fair (Mar. 10-15); Seattle Norwescon (Mar. 23-26); Greensboro, NC Stellarcon (Mar. 31-Apr. 3).

Departing. Guy Burchak has left SJ Games to pursue a job in the Middle East. We wish him much success.

Recall. Up Harzburk! has been recalled. See p. 8 for details.

(Back to Roleplayer #13 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #14, June 1989


New Licenses – We are proud to announce two new licenses: The Prisoner and L. Sprague de Camp's Krishna world.

GURPS nominatedGURPS has been nominated for four Origins Awards for 1988. The GURPS Basic Set (Third Edition) was nominated for Best Roleplayer Rules. Harkwood and Unnight were both nominated for Best Adventure. GURPS Space was nominated for Best Supplement.

The awards will be presented at Origins '89 in Los Angeles, on July 1st at 8 p.m.

Calling All Clubs – We are building a mailing list of game clubs, so that we can send you lots of advertising junk^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H keep people better informed about new releases. If you'd like your club to be on the list, send us a note: name of club, mailing address, meeting times and dates, sponsor if any, and your special interests and most-often-played games.

(Back to Roleplayer #14 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #15, August 1989


Origins Awards – We're very proud to announce that SJ Games won two Origins awards this year . . . both for GURPS. The third edition of the Basic Set was named Best Roleplaying Game of 1988, and GURPS Space was named Best Roleplaying Supplement of 1988.

See You At Gencon – We had an open party at Origins, and it was a lot of fun, so we're doing it again at Gencon. It will run from 8:30 to 11, Saturday night, in our suite at the Hyatt. If you play our games and want to say hello, you're invited . . . come on by! Stop at our booth in the dealer room for more information.

Return of the Errata Sheets – All GURPS errata sheets have now been updated. If you need errata sheets (or if we sent you an old one by mistake), send us a SASE and request the ones you want.

Official Witch World Maps – for those who enjoyed GURPS Witch World, or just want some beautiful fantasy maps, the authorized full-color map of the Witch World is available from The Wizard's Nook, PO Box 16085, Plantation, FL 33318, for $15 plus $3 shipping. It was created by Mary Hanson Roberts, under the guidance of Andre Norton herself.

(Back to Roleplayer #15 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #16, October 1989


New Organization – The National Association for the Advancement of Roleplaying, according to a letter we have received, is "a gamer-run, totally independent non-profit club for all gamers with a healthy appetite for roleplaying." Their plans include a member directory and a magazine. For more details contact Roger Carden, PO Box 2752, Chapel Hill, NC 27515.

Awards, Part II – At GenCon, the GURPS Basic Set (Third Edition) won the "Gamer's Choice" award for Best Fantasy Roleplaying System.

(Back to Roleplayer #16 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #17, November 1989


Hardback version – The GURPS Basic Set, Third Edition, is now available in a hardback version. It retails for $29.95.

Waldenbooks – the Basic Set is available at Waldenbooks on a test basis. If this goes well, they will pick up more of the line.

(Back to Roleplayer #17 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #18, February 1990


Staff changes – Steve Jackson is back at the helm of Roleplayer. Chris McCubbin, formerly of Amazing Heroes, has joined SJ Games as a staff writer; his first project, GURPS Aliens, will be available in March.

Illuminati back on line – The Illuminated BBS, official on-line voice of Steve Jackson Games, is once again up and running. Though it was never officially "down," persistent hardware and software problems made it almost impossible to call in for quite a while. We're now using a new computer and new software (the WWIV program). Give us a call at 512-447-4449; it's up (and working!) 24 hours a day at 300, 1200, or 2400 baud.

Quirk Contest – Read the Powerstone article on p. 8. Then send us your list of the Top Ten Powerstone Quirks. Make it creative . . . The best list will receive a $30 gift certificate, which, by no coincidence, is the price of the hardback Basic Set. The winning list, and our favorite other entries, will appear in the next Roleplayer, two months from now, so mail your ideas now . . . entries must be postmarked before April 1. Standard disclaimer: All entries become the property of Steve Jackson Games, and none can be acknowledged or returned.

(Back to Roleplayer #18 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #19, April 1990


Staff changes – Mike Hurst was a victim – temporary, we hope – of the layoffs (see p. 16 for the whole story).

Illuminati status – The Illuminated BBS is running very fitfully at the moment. After the Secret Service raid, in which we lost both the BBS hardware and all our WWIV material, it was running as an answer-only system for a month. We then attempted to set it up as a two-line system, using a program called MCD. However, what we got was a sometimes one-line, sometimes no-line system, and neither we nor the MCD people have been able to fix it. If we get our WWIV software and system back, and MCD isn't yet working, we'll switch back to WWIV. If you want to try to reach us, it's 512447-4449; 24 hours a day at 300, 1200, or 2400 baud.

Quirk Contest – Because many issues of the last Roleplayer did not arrive until late March or early April, we're extending the Quirk Contest deadline until May 1.

(Back to Roleplayer #19 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #20, June 1990


Illuminati status – The Illuminated BBS is now – finally – up and running on two lines. It is now easier to get an answer than it ever has been, and the discussions are getting better all the time. Call us at 512-447-4449; 24 hours a day at 300, 1200, or 2400 baud.

Convention travel – SJ Games will be making full-scale appearances at both Origins, in Atlanta, and GenCon, in Milwaukee. Come by and see us!

(Back to Roleplayer #20 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #22, November 1990


ASCII Submissions. We are now getting enough good Roleplayer submissions in ASCII format that we can put together a whole issue without having to retype anything. So, in effect, submission on MS-DOS disk is now a requirement. There's no need to send the disk with the original submission, of course, but it sometimes speeds acceptance.

Short submissions (3,000 words or less) can be submitted via the BBS. The upload procedure is cumbersome, but your terminal program can do an ASCII upload into any post or e-mail – so just e-mail your submission to the attention of Steve Jackson. The net result is the same: we get the material in computer-readable format.

We're in B. Dalton's! Very soon now, the GURPS Basic Set and several worldbooks will be available in B. Dalton's. Other bookstores can also order them through Publishers Group West.

The Shirts Off Our Backs. We have signed a licensing agreement for "logo" T-shirts for several games, including GURPS. When we know just what designs are available, we'll run an ad.

(Back to Roleplayer #22 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #23, May 1991


GMs Still Needed. We got a good response to our call for GMs last issue, but we could still use more. One gaping hole in our coverage is Southern California. Any SoCal GURPS (or Car Wars) gurus out there?

The Shirts Off Our Backs. Last issue we announced a licensing agreement for "logo" T-shirts for several games, including GURPS. There seems to be nothing available yet, though . . .

E-Mail. Austin is now covered by PC Pursuit. Those of you who would like to call the BBS, but have held off because of the expense, might check out this service, offered by US Sprint. We are also going to try to set up an Internet address for those whose easiest access is through the net rather than by long-distance calling.

Convention Appearances. We'll be making our usual trips to Origins and Gencon this year, and SJ will be the Gaming Guest of Honor at Westercon in Vancouver, July 6 and 7. Come by and see us!

(Back to Roleplayer #23 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #24, June 1991


NAARP. The National Association for the Advancement of Role Playing is looking for members. They publish a newsletter, Hit Points, which covers roleplaying in general. For more information, write NAARP, PO Box 2752, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2752. Include a SASE if you'd like a free copy of the latest issue of Hit Points.

GURPS En Español. We've signed an agreement with Joc Internationsl, the leading Spanish publisher of adventure gaming material, to do GURPS in Spanish. The Basic Set should appear sometime in late 1991 or early 1992. We're talking with possible publishers in several other languages . . . stay tuned.

Car Warriors Comic. The gritty world of Car Wars and GURPS Autoduel is the setting of a new Marvel/Epic comic, Car Warriors. The first issue of a 4-issue full-color limited series is available now. Written by Chuck Dixon, it's (what else?) a cross-country race story. Check it out!

(Back to Roleplayer #24 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #25, August 1991


Turning Japanese. SJ Games has signed an agreement with Kadokawa Media, a leading Japanese publisher (not just of games, but of all kinds of material) to release GURPS in Japanese. The Basic Set should appear in early 1992. Kadokawa plans to develop an original fantasy world in which they can set novels and possibly other sorts of fiction.

Still Seeking Fanzines. The response to last issue's call for fanzine information was disappointing. If you publish – or just read – a good zine dedicated to roleplaying, please let us know about it, and send a sample copy if possible.

Fantasy Folk Honored. At GenCon, GURPS Fantasy Folk, written by Chris McCubbin, received the Gamer's Choice Award for Best Fantasy Supplement of 1991.

Art Alert! Ruth Thompson, who illustrated GURPS Terradyne and much of GURPS Camelot, has joined us as our first staff artist. (She was also the cover artist for issues 22 and 24 of Roleplayer.) One of the most common pieces of feedback about GURPS has been "Get better and more consistent art!" – so look for Ruth's work to start appearing here and in the game books very regularly.

Rabbit Roleplaying. Remember Bunnies & Burrows, the "rabbit roleplaying" game inspired by Watership Down? It's been out of print for a long time . . . but it will return sometime next year as a GURPS worldbook. Steffan O'Sullivan, who wrote the B&B / GURPS conversion you may have seen on the Illuminati BBS, now gets to do the whole thing officially.

(Back to Roleplayer #25 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #26, October 1991


More Science Fiction Licenses. We will be doing GURPS books for the world of The Difference Engine, by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling, and for Callahan's Crosstime Saloon, by Spider Robinson. Both should be out in 1992.

Now In Portuguese! The GURPS Basic Set – and, later, more of the system – will be translated into Portuguese by Devrir Livraria, Limitada, of Brazil.

Car Warriors! Those who like the world of Car Wars / GURPS Autoduel will be pleased to hear that a trilogy of novels set in that world will appear starting in 1992. The first book, The Square Deal, has already been written – by David Drake, author of Hammer's Slammers and other best-selling military SF. The books will be published by Tor.

(Back to Roleplayer #26 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #27, February 1992


Bunnies & Burrows. Steffan O'Sullivan is working on a GURPS version of this long-lost classic. In the meantime, we need a few more copies of the original FGU edition for office use. If you have an old B&B that you'd be willing to sell or trade, please contact us.

Honest, It's Just A Game. Entirely too many people have said "Why don't you make a game about the Secret Service raid?" Okay, you win. It's called Hacker (what else?). Based on the Illuminati system, it should be in the stores by April. And this one doesn't tell you how to destroy the 911 system either, all right?

Supers Update. Thanks to the hard work of John Simonoff (Mighty Bill Fuji on the BBS), we now have second-edition-Supers versions of all the characters from GURPS Wild Cards, Supertemps, Super Scum, Deathwish and School of Hard Knocks. We will not be making a separate product out of this update information. Instead, we'll be distributing it free and/or at cost – possibly on disk – and it will be posted for download on the Illuminati BBS. Details next issue.

It Wasn't Time Travel. You may have noticed that the last issue was "October;" while this one is "February." No, we haven't suddenly slipped two months. The retailers prefer to have magazines dated for the month they actually appear in the stores. So that's what we'll do.

Bestiary Delay. The second edition of the GURPS Bestiary has been pushed back to April to allow more time to work on the lycanthrope rules.

Better Living Through Gadgetry. This issue of Roleplayer is the first one to be printed on our new Postscript system . . . 800 dots per inch instead of 300, with many more typefaces available. Can you see the difference?

(Back to Roleplayer #27 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #28, April 1992


More Sources for GURPS. We have licensed Modern Myth Publishing, a startup business run by longtime gamers and GURPS fans, to publish adventures for the system. We're negotiating with two other, similar operations, but haven't signed the contracts yet. More on this as it develops.

Supers Stats. We are now distributing the second-edition Supers version of all those characters from GURPS Wild Cards, Supertemps, Super Scum, Deathwish and School of Hard Knocks, translated by John Simonoff (aka Mighty Bill Fuji). You can download them from the Illuminati BBS at 512-447-4449. Or send us a disk formatted for IBM MS-DOS or for Amiga, along with a self-addressed disk mailer and enough postage to send it back to you. We'll send you the whole thing in ARC format.

On The Road Again. Steve Jackson will be visiting Japan in August (for the Kadokawa "Table Talk" convention) and England in November (for Contraption in Norwich). Our overseas readers are invited to drop in and visit!

Somebody Was Paying Attention! Tom Dalgleish of Columbia Games says that following the Hârn article in issue 26, he's gotten a surge of orders from GURPS players.

This Is Real. The first instance of criminal bionics was recently reported. A Brazilian man was arrested for shoplifting in a jewelry store. On searching him, police discovered a vacuum-tube device surgically implanted into his little finger, leading to a collection pouch in his armpit . . . which contained more than $10,000 worth of diamonds.

(Back to Roleplayer #28 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #29, November 1992


Finally: French and Japanese. The French edition of the Basic Set has been released by Correge Editions; their next project will be a French edition of GURPS Conan. The Japanese edition of the Basic Set has been released by Kadokawa Media Office (KMO). This is actually their second GURPS release, though: the first one was a novel set in their original GURPS fantasy background, the World of the Seven Moons. That novel sold out its 70,000 press run almost immediately and went back to press!

Steve Jackson's Whirlwind World Tour. In a related note, in the last few months, Steve has been on two overseas trips promoting GURPS and other Steve Jackson Games products. The first trip was to Osaka, Japan, where Steve was the guest of Kadokawa Corp., the company who produces the Japanese version of GURPS. Then, after a week in Milwaukee for GenCon/Origins, Steve Hew out to England, as a guest of Contraption, where he demoed products and even ran a highly successful playtest game of the upcoming Fantasy II: The Mad Lands.

Conan Back on the Shelves. Steve Jackson Games has renewed its Conan license, and a reprint of the GURPS Conan worldbook is due to hit the stores in time for Christmas. We also plan to produce one or two sourcebooks to support the Conan line.

(Back to Roleplayer #29 Table of Contents)

Roleplayer #30, January 1993


Pyramid Magazine on the Horizon. Soon Roleplayer and its sister magazine Autoduel Quarterly will be combined and the result expanded to include articles on our new miniatures rules, Hot Lead and Ogre Miniatures. The new magazine will be 72 pages, with at least 16 in full color! Roleplayer subscribers will automatically have their subscriptions transferred to the new magazine, and if (God forbid!) they don't want to receive the new magazine, they can request a refund, until the printing of the second issue.

We've Got You Covered. Jeff Koke, Steve Jackson Games' Managing Editor; recently worked with Print Buyer, Derek Pearcy, to produce a stunning new cover design for GURPS products. The first books to sport the new cover style are Time Travel Adventures, GURPS Fantasy II and reprints of both GURPS Psionics and GURPS Conan.

Fantasy II Gets a Map – and a New Name. Just in time for Christmas, GURPS Fantasy II, formerly subtitled the Land of Icfrom, was renamed the Mad Lands. Also included in the book is a fold-out, 15" x 20", full-color map of the Mad Lands and the surrounding area. The map was painted by SJ Games production queen Laura Eisenhour.

(Back to Roleplayer #30 Table of Contents)

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