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February 12, 2014: Get Out Of Trouble Like Never Before

You're a hero in an organization that expects you to get things done; wouldn't it be nice to call on them when you need help? Now you can. With GURPS Social Engineering: Pulling Rank, you'll be using the GURPS Rank advantage to get you out of jams like never before.

Building off ideas first presented in GURPS Social Engineering (which is useful but not required), this supplement lets you use your sway within the org to order up aid: get invited into places of interest, cut through bureaucracies, effect an official escape from bad situations, or call in an air strike. You can even ask for assistance when you don't know what would be useful! If you've got GURPS Social Engineering: Pulling Rank, you've got an ace up your sleeve that's even cooler and more versatile than a hidden firearm.

-- Steven Marsh

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February 11, 2014: The New Warehouse 23

It's up! We've launched the new version of Warehouse 23. We're running a Munchkin Fairy Dust Dice promo to celebrate; go check out the full details!

Something to be aware of: none of the physical games on Warehouse 23 have ratings yet, even the really popular ones. The old version of Warehouse 23 didn't have a rating system so there was nothing to import.

And don't forget to log any bugs you find!

-- Brian Engard

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February 10, 2014: New York In February Is Incredible!

The 2014 New York Toy Fair starts on February 16th, and this year I'll be at the show with our friends from PSI, running through the gauntlet of sales meetings and trying to avoid eating from every single amazing restaurant in the city. Joining me in the sales meetings this year is our new Events Director, Kali Dugan, while Ross Jepson, our Director of Sales, mans the booth and does his best to entertain everyone who stops by and asks the ever-popular: "What is Munchkin?" Toy Fair is always an intense week of fun and productive talks, but it's the actual visit to the city that most excites me. (Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone that I enjoy this trip to NYC each February.)

At the show this year we'll show some completely new games during the meetings, and if things go very well then our zombies page will have a new addition before the end of the year. Wish us luck!

-- Phil Reed

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February 9, 2014: How We Use Twitter

We have an official Twitter account, which you might already be following. Whether you are or aren't, there's something you should know: we all use it. it's not one particular person who interfaces with the fans; a number of people at Steve Jackson Games use it throughout the day. We try to combat any confusion that might cause by appending our initials when we tweet. So, if you see -SJ, that's Steve Jackson. -AH is Andrew Hackard, -LB is Lenny Balsera, -BE is me. If you see initials you don't recognize coming from our Twitter account, go check out our Staff Info page and match the initials to the person; this'll also give you a good idea of what aspect of the company that tweet represents.

Another thing we use the Twitter account for is posting Steven Marsh's (-sjm) plot hooks. These all carry the #hook hashtag, and they're tweet-sized hooks for GURPS (or, really, any RPG you want to . . . [more]

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February 8, 2014: The Great Cthulhu Cake

When I celebrated my birthday not long ago, Anne Schweizer asked what I what like to have as a present. I replied, "Something geeky is always welcome," and I added what everyone else at SJ Games most likely does: "But please note: I already have most of the mainstream geek stuff."

So she created the Great Cthulhu Cake, and she was so right. This cake is -- or was -- amazing. Although it looks like Cthulhu, it is also a cake, and a cake needs to be eaten. I decided to take the Great Cthulhu Cake to the Morpheus Convention, which is the traditional opening con of the new year's convention season in Germany, and sacrifice it there with the fellow gamers.

Here are some pictures of our blasphemous sacrifice ritual. Thanks again to Anne for this great and awesome present! And yes, Cthulhu tasted great, and had hazelnut flavor!

-- Birger Kraemer

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