In This Issue
Short Notes
More Ultra-Technology: New Super-Science Gadgets (David Pulver)
Combining GURPS Horror with The Prisoner: The Village is a Frightening Place (Christopher Burke)
Up With Magic! Down With Magic!
That's Powerful Stuff! Making Magic Even Stronger (Brian Mackintosh)New for GURPS
I Hated Them, So I Killed Them: Limiting Mages Without Mass Murder (Stu Venerable, Jr.)
A Whale of a Ship: GURPS Space Adventure Seed (Stefan Jones)
Creatures of Fear: Monsters from Medieval Legend (Andrea Sfiligoi)
Fanzines: The Great Lost Works
A Matter of Principle: Self-Imposed Mental Disadvantages (S. John Ross)
Christian Clerics in Yrth: Ideas for Divinely-Granted Powers (Steffan O'Sullivan)
Norse Trolls: Monstrous Foes for Viking Adventure (Graeme Davis)
Cheating the Reaper: The Deus ex Machina in GURPS Cliffhangers (Scott Paul Maykrantz)
Just One More Point: Optional Rules for Character Creation (Hernán Ruiz Camauër)
The One-Minute Jouster: Quick Tournament Rules (Chris McCubbin)
The Once and Future Legend: Writing GURPS Camelot (Peggy and Bob Schroeck)
Primary Sources: Reviews of Gameable Fiction: Bujold and The Integral Trees (Steve Jackson)
Try a Little Bit Harder: Expanded Rules for Extra Effort (Daniel U. Thibault)
Coming Attractions
At last, more than a year after our visit from the Secret Service, I think I can say that the company is on the road to health. We are by no means out of the woods, nor will we be for a long time. But, barring more "incidents," we have reduced our debt to something that can be repaid in a reasonable time with our normal cash flow. We're still behind on royalty payments to authors – a most important obligation – but by Origins we should have reported and paid all 1990 royalties, and we'll be working on first quarter 1991. As long as we are careful, stingy, and never miss a ship date, we should be all right.
Once again, our thanks go to those of our suppliers who extended us credit to get us through the crunch . . . and to our distributors, who made a point of paying us on time (and some did a great deal more than that). . . and to the writers who were patient about slow royalty payments. And to you, the gamers, who supported us both financially (by buying games) and emotionally (your letters and calls meant more than we can ever say).
We'll have big booths – with lots of gaming tables – at both Origins and GenCon. Also, SJ will be Gaming Guest of Honor at Westercon, in Vancouver. Look us up!
On May 1, SJ Games filed suit against the federal government, the U.S. Secret Service, and several individuals who were responsible for planning or conducting the raid. The suit alleges violations of the First and Fourth Amendments, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, and the Privacy Protection Act. Damages have not yet been specified. The suit is made possible thanks to the help of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is paying the considerable cost of the legal bills and related expenses.
– Steve Jackson
Editor: Steve Jackson
Managing Editor: Loyd Blankenship
Editorial Assistant: Monica Stephens
Production Manager: Carl Anderson
Cover Art: Ruth Thompson
Illustrations: Don Arburn, Keith Berdak, Butch Burcham, Dan Carroll, Brad Gorby, Topper Helmers, Deals Loubet, Dan Panosian, Shea Anton Pensa, John Robinson, Ruth Thompson, Charlie Wiedman
Circulation Manager: Mike Hurst
Roleplayer (ISSN 1050-3609) is published bimonthly by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, Box 18957, Austin, TX 78760. Roleplayer, AADA, Illuminati, GURPS, Autoduel and the all-seeing pyramid are registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Other product names mentioned herein are trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated or their respective publishers. Copyright © 1991 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
Copyright © 1997-2025 by Steve Jackson Games. All rights reserved.