Praise "Bob"!

The Hell-Pack of the Yacatisma, from light-years away, controls "secret" groups like the Masons and Rosicrucians and wields ACID-TIPPED electrical razor-edged CORKSCREWS and is NO MATCH for the power of "Bob"! And the hideous False Prophets! The malicious Group Mind we call Yacatisma writhes in slime, WALLOWS in FILTH. It is HOT death and COLD death, it is fated to FAIL by the grace of "Bob"! We WILL overcome! Yes, BEYOND evil! The forbidden sciences teach that the Revealed Word of "Bob" holds us back from the brink of doom and (as the Conspiracy dupes whimper for a mercy that will be DENIED) is our defense against the monstrous cynical fakers!

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