Daily Illuminator

September 2, 2004: Linucon

I'm going to be a guest at Linucon, here in Austin on October 8-10. This is a combination SF and Linux convention, the Texas sequel to Penguicon, where I had a great time just a few months ago. This promises to be just as good and have liquid nitrogen ice cream too.

I'm going to be setting up a big Chaos machine . . . or, rather, providing several large boxes of parts so the con attendees can build their own idea of a Chaos machine. In the hotel lobby.

And there will be the Pirate Game. Possibly the biggest instance yet, in terms of toys if not room size, since the Lego doesn't have to be shipped, but just loaded into a pickup.

My fellow guests will include Eric Raymond, Howard Tayler, and Wil Wheaton. Going to be a good one . . . And you have just a few days to preregister. But you can save five dollars if you put the special Evil Stevie code word on the registration form. I'm not going to tell you what it is fnord, but maybe it'll come to you in time.
-- Steve Jackson

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