Daily Illuminator

November 6, 2011: Giant And Small, We Love Them All

The Rainbow Out Of Space

At the Alliance Retailer Summit, someone asked me, "Will the regular sized Cthulhu Dice continue to be available after the Giant Cthulhu Dice are released?"

The short answer is "Yes!" The pocket-sized Cthulhu Dice is the primary form of the game, and the one we'll prioritize when it comes to reprints. Although we'll keep releasing new colors (because pushing the color limits of dice making turns out to be a lot of fun). Which means some colors will be allowed to go out of print (so if you see one you like, grab it quick!),

The long answer is "Yes, but . . ." You see, giant foam dice may be squishy, but they're also bigger than normal dice. The larger size means each set is more sensitive to the price fluctuations of the material used to create it. There may be periods when one or more colors -- or maybe all! -- of the Giant Cthulhu Dice are out of print.

Letting the dice go OOP isn't part of the plan, of course. But given the response of the fans at PAX Prime, and the retailers at the ACD and Alliance trade shows, we have a feeling these things are going to fly off the shelves. (UPDATE: Sure enough. As of November 2, our fulfillment warehouse was OUT of the green ones, and their stocks of the rest ranged from 24 to 40. So almost all of the ones we made are in stores, or headed there, already.)

-- Paul Chapman

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