Daily Illuminator

June 24, 2004: Experts Wanted!

Pyramid Magazine is currently seeking a number of experts for a possible long-term writing relationship.

"Experts in what?" you ask.

Well... just about anything. Astronomy, engineering, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, the legal system, medicine... that sort of thing. (And, yes, those are the big categories we're looking for right now. But we'll entertain applications for experts from other areas, too.)

Note that we do NOT need you to be experts with any game system or game mechanics. We don't CARE about any specific game experience.

The amount of work entailed will be extremely flexible, but should never amount to more than 3,000 words a month, and will probably be much less.

(Ideally we're hoping for highly trained professionals, professors, or other gurus on their subjects. We understand these folks are often busy; we can work around that.)

We also need you to be able to write well, although that's nowhere near as important as being all-knowing in your field of expertise.

If this sounds like you, please submit a ONE-PAGE RESUME-- maximum of 400 words -- of your credentials for the Expert niche you're seeking to fill. (Again, we don't really care about writing experience at this point. We only want your professional qualifications.)

Submit it with a subject line of "Expert Resume" to pyramid@sjgames.com (THAT SUBJECT LINE IS VITAL; otherwise your application might get eaten by ravenous spam filters.)

We will be accepting applications until June 30th, 2004.

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