Daily Illuminator

February 20, 2007: Munchkin Maintenance

Every time we do a Munchkin spinoff, we create a new rulesheet. It's always based on the original rules, but every game is a bit different. So the old rules are always getting looked at and tweaked. And it seems as though every time we do, we see better ways to phrase things. A word here, a phrase there . . .

And because Munchkin and its spinoffs are so popular, we do a lot of reprinting, so all those rulesheets get rechecked every year or so. Which gives us an opportunity to go back and revise the older rulesheets with the new and improved language.

Which is what I'm doing right now . . . the Munchkin Cthulhu rulesheet just went to press, and I'm going through the errata copies in my bookshelf, updating the rulesheets for the previous six (!!) standalone Munchkin games to keep them in synch with the improvements.

Kind of tedious, but on the whole it's a great problem to have!
-- Steve Jackson

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