Roleplayer #5, August 1987

Writing for GURPS

by W.G. Armintrout

When it comes to GURPS, we want only the best writers – but many times, the best writers are the players. That means YOU! If you are interested in writing for us, follow these simple steps:

  1. Send a self-addressed, legal-sized stamped envelope to us, and ask for the GURPS Writer's Guidelines.
  2. Think about what you'd most like to see us do, then write it. Start small – an adventure is much easier to write than a worldbook.
  3. Send us a Query Letter before you write more than a page or two. The letter – one to five pages long (put "ATTN: Editorial" on the envelope) should include:
    1. your "proposal," the explanation of what you want to write,
    2. an outline, showing the parts of the text and an approximate page breakdown,
    3. a plot synopsis, if it's an adventure (or, better yet, several synopses – let us choose the best),
    4. a writing sample – send us the intoduction and a sample of your rules, for example, to show us you can write, and
    5. a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE).
  4. Then wait for our reply. It may take a while – an incredible stream of mail comes through here – but Steve Jackson Games is one place where even a regular game-player can get published. (How do you think I got started?)

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