Roleplayer #3, November 1986

The Grimoire of Gathianol

Not long ago, after many years of labor, the Worshipful Mages' Guild of the Isle of Mallory succeeded in opening and reading a spellbook left by the great mage, Gathaniol the Seeker. Revealed were no less than five new spells of the College of Knowledge . . .

Measurement . . . . . Area; Information

Tells the caster any one of the following things about the subject: (a) its weight; (b) its measurements in all dimensions; (c) its precise color (mostly important to dressmakers and painters); (d) its volume.

Base Cost: 1.
Item: Performs only one of the above functions: an enchanted ruler for measurement, scales for weight, lens for color, onyx cube for volume. Must touch subject. Energy cost to create: 50.

Lend Skill . . . . . Regular

Subject gains a skill at caster's level or increases his existing ability in the skill by 4 points -- whichever is less. The caster must know the skill in question. Will not work on languages or spells.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 to cast; 2 to maintain.
Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: IQ 12+, Mind-Sending.

Borrow Skill . . . . . Regular

The caster temporarily gains a skill at subject's level, or increases his existing ability by 4 points – whichever is less. The subject must be willing and know the skill in question. Will not work on languages or spells.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 to cast; 3 to maintain.
Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Lend Skill.

Gift of Tongues (VH) . . . . . Regular

Lets the subject (intelligent creature only) speak and understand any language, with a skill equal to his IQ. Will not provide speech or hearing to one who lacks these abilities.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 to cast; 2 to maintain (no concentration required on caster's part).
Prerequisites: Lend Language; Borrow Language; caster must know at least 3 languages at skill 10+.
Item: Headgear or jewelry. Works on wearer only. Energy cost to create: 300 for each language included (must be known to caster).

Gift of Letters (VH) . . . . . Regular

As above, but for written words only. The subject must already be literate!

Item: Headgear or jewelry. Works on wearer only. Energy cost to create: 300 for each language included (must be known to caster).

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