Roleplayer #17, November 1989

Welcome to the Future!

by Teresa Laman

This is the beginning of a new year and a new beginning for us as well. As we look to the future – 1990 and beyond – we see the dawning of a new era. Beginning with this, the first quarter of 1990, a single genre will be the focus of a campaign each quarter. This quarter's focus is GURPS Space"Welcome to the Future."

The long-awaited and oft-dreamed-of Ultra-Tech opens the door to the future with 128 pages of weapons and equipment from TL8 to TL16. It will be followed by a host of worldbooks, sourcebooks, adventures and supplemental materials to support your space campaign. The future and Space are yours – how will you shape them?

The second quarter's campaign focus will be GURPS Fantasy. It will begin with the release of Fantasy, Second Edition: The World of Yrth and Fantasy Folks. They will also be followed by worldbooks, sourcebooks, adventures and supplemental materials.

As your new editor I will keep you well informed. When details concerning the next quarterly campaigns are released, I will pass them on to you. But for the present, this issue of Roleplayer and those to come will contain all the information you're used to seeing including Designer's Notes, GURPS Q&A, What's New for GURPS, Errata and much more.

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