
"These artifacts are always in the form of a kite:
whether angelic or demonic, they will always have a
pair of eyes incorporated into the design." -
Eye Kites
by Moe Lane
"As per traditional Jewish custom, fruit trees are not
to be harvested for the first three years that they
produce fruit." -
4th-Year Fruit
by Moe Lane
"This one impressed some people. The bugs are hardly even noticeable." -
Essence Magnifier
by William J. Keith
"(Honestly, given the sheer number of artifacts
descended from one of a kind ethereal constructions,
an impartial observer might be forgiven for assuming
that the Crusade was merely just a particularly
demented R&D evaluation / purchasing trip.)" -
Time Drums
by Moe Lane
"No, it doesn't matter whether or not Washington ever
actually did this: the ethereal civic spirit generated
by the legends sported the relic, and it works, so the
question is moot." -
Washington's Axe
by Moe Lane
"This amusing little artifact is much beloved by
Servitors of Lust and Dark Humor." -
Plastic Beads
by Moe Lane
"This relic is, as near as anyone can make out, the
actual metal knife that Abraham supposedly hefted
while preparing to sacrifice his son Isaac at God's
command." -
Abraham's Knife
by Moe Lane
"This artifact comes from a 3rd Century Christian
martyr fairly noteworthy for both piety and pithiness." -
The Scroll of St. Perpetua
by Moe Lane
"The Amphora of Dionysus essentially turns water into wine - wholesale." -
Amphora of Dionysus
by Moe Lane
"Vapula swears - he swears - that he didn't create this artifact." -
by Moe Lane
"Of course, it could be Vapula's, but why in the Hell would he make
something like this? Then again, why in the Hell does he make anything?
" -
The Symphonic Connection Amplifier
by Benjamin Acosta
"One of the lesser known artifacts left lying around after the purification
of the Ethereal pantheons, this staff resembles nothing more than the root
of a tree." -
Attis's Staff
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"It usually appears as a scroll,
but more technologically inclined Superiors will
provide this relic in book or even laptop form." -
Scroll of Zoroaster/Book of Crowley
by Moe Lane
"The creation of a venerated Catholic Saint, this exquisite and ornate tome
describes the means by which divine perfection may be attained." -
Scala Paradisi: Unique Artifact
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"Close examination of a Statuette will show up the differences: the color is slightly off, there's the faintest hint of horns on the figure's head, and at any rate the inscription is invariably "Ishtar: Best Picture"." -
by Moe Lane
"This isn't really a relic, per se: it's just an ordinary book written by Saint John Climacus." -
The Ladder of Perfection
by Moe Lane
"This ostrich feather is all that remains of Ma'at, Egyptian Goddess of
Judgment and Death, long since destroyed by the Purity Crusades. Heaven
and Hell have both made concerted efforts to destroy it, but its very
nature makes that nearly impossible." -
The Feather of Ma'at (Unique Relic)
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"The beans that are roasted to make this coffee are sourced from hydroponics labs within the Halls of Progress, where plants can feed on the intense, conscientous, and hard-working atmosphere without distraction." -
Jean's Special Blend
by Jo Hart
"No one is precisely sure why Eli needed
a three foot, flaming submarine sandwich that could
punch through steel: very few people are sure whether
they want to know." -
Great Hero
by Moe Lane
"On the surface, it looks like a simple business card, usually with the
angel's name, or nickname, and little if anything else. The more
elaborate have the name in Heavenly script." -
Calling Card
by Amanda Kilgore
"The Roman ethereal god Vulcan apparently has a sense
of humor. He's also apparently been keeping up with
his technical reading: this gadget is, well,
technological." -
Spectacles of Cybele
by Moe Lane
"A persistent rumor among celestials, the Urim and Thummin are the set (two
pairs) of spectacles supposedly given to Joseph Smith by the angel Moroni
to translate the golden plates found in the nearby hills." -
Urim & Thummin: Unique Artifacts (?)
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"This item is one of the very few mass-produced relics in the storeholds of
the Catholic Church. " -
Missionary Staff
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"Charms remain a
small bonus in the life of the occasional believer - a sign that God helps
those who ask for His aid, sometimes in a very direct manner." -
by Rev. Pee Kitty
"All too often, children get forgotten when tragedy strikes. Many
people simply don't understand that children deal with traumatic
situations differently than adults do. Heaven tries to minimize the
damage done to the innocent in The War, but they are not always
successful." -
Comfort Bears
by Cameron McCurry
"All in all, they thought a wonderful joke had been played. What they didn't count on was the punchline being their crucified, eviscerated Vessels being dumped off at the local Tether to Dark
Humor. Servitors of Christopher may be fun loving and peaceful, but that doesn't mean that they are pushovers." -
Concrete Cuddlys
by Cameron McCurry
"Such a little thing, to make so many Superiors scream." -
The Ring
by Moe Lane
"Observers - and more importantly, the target
- will see what appears to be an sudden cloud of razor
sharp letters appear and pierce the target's very soul
(it's called an A-bomb because, for some reason, using
the letter A works better than any other letter)." -
by Moe Lane
"Affected humans simply feel slightly more comfortable when in range: put this relic in a crowded area (such as an airport or bus depot), and within an hour the zone of effect will be noticeably more congested than anywhere else." -
Shepherd's Crook
by Moe Lane
"Soon after recovering from trauma, Rashagal was informed by Asmodeus himself that whatever he had done to get people's attention had been quite effective and that he was never, ever to do it again without clearing it with him first." -
Rashagal's Rape Whistle
by Michael Cleveland
"While attractive, by modern
standards it's extremely gaudy: the hassles of owning
it overwhelm whatever modest advantages are gained
from using it." -
The Crown of St. Edbert
by Moe Lane
"His walkabout around the world has raised a few ires in (Heaven/ Gaming Companies [as appropriate]). He can create, destroy, and Beat People Up. R!/S! T!/U! V?/X? W!/Y! Z" -
Button Men: Eli
by Daniel Sauve
"Of course, any group that deliberately
refers to the Old Crusade as 'The Day of Purification
of All Things' while in the presence of Heliopolitans
isn't going to be known for subtle jokes (or tact, for
that matter)." -
Incense of Purification
by Moe Lane
"A Probability Nail is just that: a regular-looking,
possibly slightly rusty, broken iron nail. Those with
sufficient experience will recognize the nail as being
the sort that is used in shoeing horses." -
Probability Nail
by Moe Lane
"It all started, innocuously enough, with the Halls of
Progress. You'd be surprised how often it all starts
with the Halls of Progress, actually: even before the
Archangel of Creation's little walkabout, that
Cathedral was known for producing some very
interesting changes to the social dynamic." -
by Moe Lane
"But let's face it; everyone has their breaking point. There comes a
time when you have to stop being nice and smack someone around." -
The Partition
by Cameron McCurry
"As Robert Adams once said, when push comes to
shove a 'gentleman' fights with whatever weapons are
at hand." -
Baal's Sword
by Moe Lane
"How Sorcerers grow quiet when they hear of this
blasphemous book. It's hard to tell whether it's the
quiet of fear, or the quiet of utter greed: both
reactions would make sense." -
The King In Yellow
by Moe Lane
"It's interesting (if not particularly surprising) that
Jean is absolutely indifferent about actually naming
his creations. If it's a gun, he calls it a gun. If
it's a particle accelerator, he calls it a particle
accelerator. If it's a computerized mechanical tool
designed to resemble a corporeal life form, he calls
it a computerized mechanical tool designed to resemble
a corporeal life form. Jean prefers things to be
clear." -
The Necronomicon, v2.3
by Moe Lane
"Yup, Sparky only thought that he had cleaned out
Vapula's stash of vintage anime tapes. Incidentally,
the VCR of the Prince of Technology is a subtle and
frightening artifact, indeed ... but that's for
another time.
" -
Wave Motion Gun
by Moe Lane
"Although the Greatest Rings were destroyed or lost their power many
millennia ago, Magic Rings still turn up in the hoards of Dragons or Undead." -
Magic Rings
by James Walker
"Whether you're a Fairy Godmother, budding sorcerer or elven queen, your
magic wand is an essential piece of equipment." -
Magic Wands
by James Walker
"The Book of Antioch details a simple ritual that enables a team of two
Soldiers (the chanter and the bearer) to convert a censer or censor like
object to an explosive device, similar to a grenade." -
The Book of Antioch
by Harvey Mills
"Appearing to be nothing more than a rather worn out old baseball bat,
the Ugly Stick is in fact a Relic, imbued with a very specific variant of the Celestial Song of Form." -
The Ugly Stick
by Richard C. Hanton-Rutherford
"These relics are interesting, to say the least. They
have the ability to temporarily send someone to Limbo,
regardless of whether they have a functioning Heart or
not ... or even if they happen to be celestial. This
makes them popular. They also have a distressing
tendency to implode. This makes them unpopular, too." -
The Limbo Cannon
by Moe Lane
"Designed to
ease individuals into Sorcery, these relics can ease
someone down the path of Fate subtly - and for the
best of motives. After all, what could be more
selfless than to attempt to bring someone back to
life?" -
The Book of Recalling One's Love
by Moe Lane
"Don't ever let Vapula watch sci-fi." -
Light Cycles
by Michael Cleveland
was a fairly simple notion: Essence is the ultimate
holdout weapon, so finding some way to drain it from
people would be useful, right? Especially when one
has to keep the holder alive and (futilely) kicking
for a while." -
by Moe Lane
"Funny: it says 'Vaputech' on the crate, but it doesn't
really seem all that bad. It isn't even smoking." -
by Moe Lane
"Oddly enough, the Archangel of Destiny is almost as
bad as Eli is when it comes to leaving Superior-level
relics lying around." -
Superior Relics: Yves
by Moe Lane
"These iridescent blue stones seem to catch the light in
just the right way, reflecting a beautiful azure
color. For the people who wear them, though, they
already caught much more than that." -
Dream Stones
by Josh Moger
"On occasion, a Superior encased in mortal flesh can find himself beset by foes of enough strength to shed blood before they can be dealt with." -
Superior Blood, Part 1
by Manny Nepomuceno
"Did you ever look up to watch the clouds?" -
by Moe Lane
"The laptop which houses a Vapulan Shedite is actually a fairly
solid device. Unless you know Helltongue, it's completely impossible to
program it directly, but it otherwise can run most commercially-available
programs, has an efficient 'Net connection, and has a celestially infinite
power life." -
by William J. Keith
"This otherwise simple artifact is somewhat unique in several ways
related to humans." -
The Hymnal
by William J. Keith
"Even among allies, misunderstandings happen. So when a Creationer who
doesn't quite understand how Novalis interprets her Word joins Flowers, he
might just create something like this..." -
The Venus Demon(ling) Trap
by James Walker
"It looks like a simple hip flask, but made of spun aluminum and with an
interior coating of ceramic, as if a lab used it to transport reactive
substances. It does." -
Jean's Flask
by Eric Bertish
"And what does it do? It's a shield. An unbreakable
shield. That's what the ideal shield would be, no? (Well, skip notions of
ablation or whatnot - in most combat, you want something permanently
sturdy.)" -
Artifact: Large Shield
by William J. Keith
"Kobal is responsible for this one. At least originally. Then Michael got
a hold of it and, well, let's just say that the things started becoming
popular." -
The Wand of Many Bodies
by Ryan Roth
"The workings of Hell are insidious. Often the damage Hell's minions do
comes from crafty words spoken into the right ears, rather than direct
attacks." -
The Holy Earplugs Of Ignorance
by Ryan Roth
"Blockers - there are lots of different types - use a
variant of the Ethereal Song of Shields to protect
their owners from the effects of a specific Attunement
or resonance (chosen when the artifact is created)." -
by Moe Lane
"Created by, of all things, a dissonant Elohite of Eli who
was finding himself far too often involved in physical combat
with Demons, and was incredibly averse to actually soul-killing
where he could help it, the Limbo Stick appears to be a Golden
Sparkling Baseball Bat with Red Grip Tape." -
The Limbo Stick Rev. 2
by Kamika-Z
"It was... intended to
be the first of a line of Vapulan implants for In Nomine, exploring notions
of selfhood, the expression and loss thereof, and The Machine..." -
Vaputech Implants
by William J. Keith
"These living artifacts have a long and infamous
history: they are the basis for the legends of evil
magicians' diabolical, malevolent grimoires with an
unholy life of their own." -
by Moe Lane
"These relics take the form of a chain-link necklace of some silvery metal, with a complicated (though tiny) clasp and a small charm." -
Vitanda Necklace
by S.D. Ryukage
"Created by a little-known alchemical procedure, these rounds can be used to affect extra-dimensional (Celestial) targets, even when they have crossed to another plane." -
Project Silence: E.D.O.
by Michael Cleveland
"It's odd to say this about any item of Vaputech, but
the Lepid Gun is honestly a work both of art and of
craftsmanship - even if it was made by the Baroque
Weapons Division (motto: "For all your Evil Mastermind
needs")." -
Lepid Gun
by Moe Lane
"The history of this artifact can be traced back to approximately the
1940s. There are several variations on the story of its creation but
they all have a common point: Eli and Dominic had a bit too much to
drink and they began to brainstorm on unusual ideas." -
The Trout of Truth
by Cameron McCurry
"The artifact acts pretty simply. One way or another, it convinces mundanes
that the user has every right to be doing something they would probably
otherwise take as exceedingly odd." -
Any Excuse...
by William J. Keith
"The aliens have incorporated into their bases a form of dimensional gateway that allows them to move from their home dimensions to this one." -
Project Silence: Jumpgates
by Michael Cleveland
"At first blush, one might think that this was the brainchild of some
collection of Seraphim, possibly Jean's crew. One would be wrong.
" -
by Ryan Roth
"There are actually quite a few of these: the Demon
Prince of Heresy usually carries around with him a
satchel or overnight bag. Unfortunately, what with
the standard Calabite entropy field present at all
times (at Superior level, no less), it's a rare bag
that lasts more than a week. When that happens,
Maurice will swear a bit, do some quick and dirty
repairs... and hand the bag over to the next celestial
he sees with an irritated "Here"." -
Superior Artifact: Maurice's Bag
by Moe Lane
"It's surprising how close the mortals have come to figuring it out. I mean,
they're starting to get the superstring theory, its just that they're coming
at in from the completely wrong point of view." -
Harp Strings
by Josh Moger
"Typically found in the form of a ring, necklace, or bracelet, these relics
have the effect of reducing the bearer's Need by a level equal to its own." -
Relic: Vampire's Ease
by Chris Bergstresser
"Hey, would you come look at this? There's something weird about
this message..." -
Seraph-Proof Paper
by Michael Cleveland
"This is the latest gadget from Vaputech's Division of
Metaphysical Engineering (motto: "Our stuff doesn't
blow up as much. More or less.") and has been
getting favorable responses from the Horde." -
The Angelotron
by Moe Lane
"The first examples of this artifact were believed to be creations of
Eli, though no-one has been able to reach him for comment on the subject as
of yet." -
Hoopty Cars
by Phillip DesJardins

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EDG <edg@sjgames.com>
In Nomine Collection Curator