Role Maintenance and Destruction
By Eric Bertish

Role Maintenance
Just as relationships are living things that must be maintained, so too are
roles, for they are in many ways a celestial's relationship with human
society. For each level of Role the celestial possesses, it must spend one
hour per day in active pursuit of that role's identity in order to keep this
relationship healthy. This maintenance may be neglected for brief periods
with no ill effect, but if at the end of a week's time the celestial has not
performed the requisite hours, the Role degrades by a level.
A notable exception to this rule is the Role/1. Consisting mostly of
paperwork, there is little that needs be done to maintain it (except in
cases of Role Destruction; see below). Simply by being in the vessel to whom
the Role belongs, and answering to its name, is sufficient for maintenance.
Degradation only becomes an issue if the vessel has not been occupied in
over a week.
Degraded Roles may be returned to their previous state only through
concentrated effort. If, during the next week, the celestial spends double
the amount of hours neglected, the Role may be returned to normal on the
eighth day. This penalty is cumulative, which means that any Role higher
than 2 becomes effectively impossible to repair if neglected.
Role Destruction
This instability of Roles has led to the development of certain types of
bureaucratic warfare, and is favored by servitors of Dominic, Asmodeus,
Aleamon, Michael and Baal. This is known as Role Destruction, and there are
three stages to its performance.
- Investigation. As one might expect, a Role cannot be compromised if it is
not known to exist. Surveillance of known Tethers is standard operating
procedure for both sides, and anyone whose frequency of appearance is deemed
'suspicious' is targeted for Penetration. Surveillance can take any number
of routes, including but not limited to: Visual observation, listening
devices, satellite photography, Resonances, Songs, and pure dumb luck. For
this reason, tethers often have anti-surveillance teams which sweep the
surrounding areas on a frequent, yet random, basis.
- Penetration. Cross-checking through police records and DMV files will
typically yield the name, address, and social security number of the
suspected celestial. As these are the minimum requirements for a Role/1, any
individual without such credentials is immediately pegged as a celestial;
however, Role destruction is then impossible in this case. For all other
instances, in-depth research is begun to trace the individual's paper trail
and search for inconsistencies. To determine if a Role is penetrated, roll
against its level for each week of scrutiny. Most investigations will not
last more than four weeks, and depending upon circumstances a GM may assign
bonuses for each week after the first. Note that all mortals have
effectively impenetrable roles.
- Destruction. Compared to the previous steps, this last stage is pitifully
easy. Deletion of credit records, alteration or destruction of paperwork,
and 'liquidation' of those able to affirm the celestial's identity are all
standard procedure. By destroying each link the celestial has to the Role's
'realness', the less effective it becomes. Assume it takes one week of
active 'deletion' to degrade a Role one level. A celestial whose Role has
been degraded thusly may attempt to repair it using the aforementioned
method - but its time will be better spent in finding and eliminating those
responsible for its degradation.

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