IN to GURPS: IN Song Translations
By William J. Keith

The following is not canon -- but should
the need for canon ever become pressing, the authors of GURPS In Nomine are not over-proud and would most definitely start here...
The following constitutes a complete collection of fixes for Songs in the
Liber Canticorum for the use of GURPS: In Nomine players. This is not a
Song reference -- the translations assume the player owns the Liber
Some translations are used in numerous Songs throughout the Liber
Canticorum. To avoid repetition, they are listed here and hold unless
otherwise noted for a specific Song.
For "Forces," read "Power Investiture." For "CD" (which stands for
"Check Digit"), read "degree of success(min. 1)" for numerical
calculations; while if a Song has different effects at different check
digits, use the CD-to-degree-of-success table on G:IN p. 210. ("A CD of 6"
is generally equivalent to a critical success or failure.)
A "target number" is the skill level or effective attribute of the
moment -- whatever the player is to roll against. When a mechanic requires
the level at which the singer knows the Song, use the table given on p. 206
to convert the GURPS points invested to an effective Song level. For every
4 points over 16 invested, add another level of Song knowledge, although
some Songs may only operate up to a maximum of six levels.
Battle mechanics are different between GURPS and In Nomine, but
translations which preserve the spirit of the statistics are roughly these:
for Protection, read "DR;" for Power, give that bonus to the damage type;
and for Accuracy, use as a standard Accuracy modifier. For attributes,
Strength is read as ST; Agility, DX; Intelligence, IQ; for Precision, use
DX modified by levels of such things as Manual Dexterity or Klutziness; and
Will and Perception are as normal.
For Sorcerers using Corporeal Songs, use their levels of Power
Investiture (Sorcery) as equivalent to Corporeal Forces for calculating
Song mechanics (not for the initial success roll; see description of
Sorcery in G:IN for more details). When using the Song of Transference,
use the singer's Power in the realm of the Song.
Finally, for any Song listed in G:IN, the version there supersedes
the version in the Liber Canticorum for GURPS play purposes.
Darkness (Ethereal): For celestials, the Fear induced is linked to the given
number of levels of an Ethereal Discord. For mortals, who do not suffer
from Discord, us the Frequency of Submission rules as listed on G:IN p.
211. Regardless of the degree of success, the Song can never induce more
than six levels of Discord or human pseudo-Discord. If being used to
generate fear of the unknown, the penalty to a reaction or Will roll is the
degree of success.
Location: Instead of Forces, use levels of Power Investiture for the
Ethereal or Celestial bridges, or when one is in celestial form; use the
"50 lbs. per Essence" rule when matter(inanimate or not) attempts to cross
the bridge. (For a bridge between the Corporeal Realm and the Marches or
the Celestial, this will require passing two checks.)
Machines (Ethereal): The IQ the machine gains, for purposes of comprehending
and obeying commands, is equal to 4 + Essence spent.
Numinous Corpus (Arms): Use the "Extra Arms" advantage on pp. 54-55 of CI.
Numinous Corpus (Barbs): Barbs do impaling damage.
Numinous Corpus (Spines): Use the rules for Spines as Strikers on p. 67 of
CI, with damage equal to the level of the Song, less DR.
Revulsion (Celestial): When attempting to sever the bond between an artifact
and its owner, use a Contest between the Song and the owner's Will.
Shattering (Ethereal): IQ and DX are reduced. If IQ is reduced to half its
original amount, the victim is crippled by the migraine.
Shattering (Celestial): Relics and Reliquaries resist with an effective Will
equal to their Soul Hits.
Solace (Celestial): IQ and Will are restored to whatever natural maximum
they may have ever been during the subject's existence.
Transfiguration: In addition to the three base Essence, each performance
costs 1 Essence per 50 pounds being transfigured. While ascended, the host
ties up as much of the Kyriotate's Will as it normally would. Upon
performance, there is one note of additional disturbance per 50 pounds
being transfigured; this amount is also added to disturbance made when
entering or leaving the corporeal plane.
Blades (Corporeal): The resulting objects generally do imp+Essence or
cut+Essence in damage, depending on the type of surface used.
Blades (Ethereal): Add the performer's Ethereal Power to the higher of the
performer's weapon skill or his IQ, and use that result as the effective
skill with the weapon. On the corporeal plane, IQ+Ethereal Power must be
Correspondence (All): The Essence cost is 3 plus the levels of Power
Investiture of the subject(min. 1).
Daydreams: The characteristic limit is 18, rather than 10.
Disjunction (Ethereal): On Kyriotates, the Will points tied up in the host
in question cannot be combined with any other Will points to possess a
larger host. In addition, each "subset" of the Kyriotate's Will must
either be possessing a Vessel or be in celestial form; neither can be
combined with the other.
Disjunction (Celestial): This Song breaks apart the soul, mind, and body.
In effect, the victim cannot move and think at the same time. Each round,
the player can do one of three things: he can perform a repeat of last
round's physical action, or continue a continuing physical action; he can
stop all actions to think, allowing him to declare a new action for the
next round; or he can use a supernatural ability like a Song or
resonance(supernatural abilities are treated as Celestial; any check of the
performer's Corporeal or Ethereal Power treats those numbers as existing,
but 0). Actions which require extended concentration and physical or
supernatural activity are disallowed. To approximate the effects, the
player could put on a pair of headphones, go for a snack, or something else
while the round is played out, "stopping in" to the game at the top of each
round to either declare an action or get information and spend that round
Fruition (Celestial): Calabim subtract their Celestial Power when using
this Song, instead of adding it to the target number.
Numinous Corpus (Flame): Treat the jet version of this as the Flame Jet
spell -- the jet does the burning damage of a flaming sword without the
sword. Hence, it cannot parry. The damage done is 1d per converted skill
level of the Song; the skill to actually use the jet is Flame Jet(P/E,
defaults to DX-4; Flame Jet is the skill Magic Jet studied for this
purpose). The body sheath adds 1 damage per converted skill level to
hand-to-hand attacks, does this much damage to anything striking the
performer, or does 1d-2 damage per converted skill level with a successful
Numinous Corpus (Mouth): Standard bite attack for the character's strength,
at -2 to damage and Accuracy from normal, with +1 to damage per (converted)
skill level.
Purity (Celestial): "Soul Number" is simply the number of Soul Hits.
Stone (Ethereal): Use the Shape Earth spell; the duration is now a number of
minutes equal to the degree of success(min. 1) + the performer's Ethereal
Forces, and has the performer's Basic Speed in hexes per turn, but the
performer can only affect 10 pounds of earth per Essence spent.
War (Corporeal): The subject need not roll to maintain consciousness until
he has negative Body Hits exceeding the Essence spent plus ST/4.
Faith (Ethereal): The angel can hear disturbance for which their effective
Perception is 3 or greater, with all the information of a usual critical
Lending: For all versions, note that the singer may not reduce any
attribute or Realm Power to zero.
Corporeal: The singer can transfer one physical skill or up to 90 points
worth of attribute levels taken any way from his ST, DX, or HT. The
recipient may take the transferred attribute points and distribute them
among these characteristics. (So, for example, going from 14 to 13 ST
would give the recipient 15 points to increase ST from 8 to 10, or HT from
10 to 11 with excess points lost.) In addition to or in place of attribute
points, the singer may lend a single level of Corporeal Power Investiture.
Skills may be lent for hours equal to the degree of success(min. 1), Power
Investiture or attribute points for as many minutes.
Ethereal: The singer can transfer one mental skill, or up to 45 points
worth of IQ and/or one level of Ethereal Power Investiture. Any
transferrence of IQ affects skills and Mind Hits, but not supernatural or
soul-based abilities such as Song, Will, Perception, or resonance rolls.
Same duration as the corporeal version.
Celestial: The singer can transfer one supernatural ability the recipient
would be able to use normally, such as a Song to a being with the necessary
Power Investiture or a Choir attunement to a Soldier of his own Superior.
Alternatively, he may choose to lend up to forty points worth of advantages
to the recipient, save for Power Investiture; the singer may choose to lend
one level of Power Investiture (Celestial) with any other advantages lent.
The advantages lent may not be changed, nor can the recipient gain
"external" advantages such as Rank or Reputation. Disadvantages may not be
"lent," even ones which the Cherub thinks are positive, such as
Truthfulness. Supernatural abilities or advantages may be lent for a
number of minutes equal to the degree of success(min. 1) times the
performer's Celestial Power, or Power Investiture for minutes equal to the
degree of success(min. 1).
Corruption: To calculate how long a Shedite must stay in its host before
using the Song of Corruption, use "a number of weeks equal to the lower of
the host's ST or IQ, minus the level at which the Song is known, minus the
difference between the host's Will and the Shedite's(min. 1)." For
example, the average human host would have IQ 10, Will 10, and a Shedite
with Will 15 knowing the Song at converted level 3 would have to stay 2
Symbiosis: For purposes of seeing how long the Shedite must be in its host
before using this Song, use "a number of days equal to the lower of the
host's ST or IQ, minus the level at which the Song is known, minus the
difference between the host's Will and the Shedite's(min. 1)." For
example, the average human host would have IQ 10, Will 10, and a Shedite
with Will 15 knowing the Song at converted level 3 would have to stay 2
Souls: For all purposes relating to time after death in which the Song may
be performed, use the lower of ST and IQ, divided by 2, in place of
Corporeal Forces. The exception is celestials being pulled back to their
Vessel, whereupon the calculation shall use Corporeal Power.
Creation: Change "Creating anything composed of more than one realm of
Forces" to "Creating anything that incorporates more than one of these
Exchange (Ethereal): The ethereal may not spend more Essence than its Will,
and may not gain a Vessel the lower of whose ST and IQ exceeds the Essence
spent. Upon arrival, the ethereal merely gains any physical advantages or
disadvantages the host body had, such as Extra Hit Points or Paraplegia.
Neurological damage can be temporarily reversed as the ethereal reforms the
host's nervous system to its own pattern, but physical damage such as the
loss of legs cannot be altered.
Forgetting (Celestial): Refers to subject's Celestial Forces. Instead, use
Celestial Power plus (or minus) any levels of Strong or Weak Will. The
minimum in all cases is 1.
Soul Binding: For both cases of referring to total Forces(the initial
Essence necessary and the bonus to the resistance roll) add instead the
lower of the being's ST or IQ, divided by 2.

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