Daily Illuminator

October 19, 2003: A New Warehouse . . . In Vegas!

As of the beginning of 2004, Steve Jackson will be storing inventory, assembling games, and shipping product from a new warehouse in Las Vegas. Business office functions will be centered there. The creative staff and Warehouse 23 will remain in Austin.

The new space will give us over 4,000 square feet of high-ceiling warehouse, with real docks, and more space for assembly . . . important, now that we are shipping more card games and boardgames.

Why Vegas? Well, we had to find new space somewhere . . . we have completely outgrown our Austin location, and we can’t expand there. Our Controller, Gail Barton, is a Las Vegas resident, and this way she can supervise it directly.

A small bonus is that this will make it easier for us to put on a good show every year at the GAMA Trade Show, which is held in Las Vegas.

This move should not affect retail customers at all. Distributors will have to remember to correspond with the new location . .. and will probably be able to get slightly faster deliveries on their orders.

There is, of course, a downside; layoffs. As of the end of the year, some jobs won't be in Austin any more. (And you can hardly blame anyone for wanting to stay in Austin. Wonderful place.) So . . . if you are an Austin employer in need of some good shipping/warehouse crew, or if you're looking for an experienced, degreed bookkeeper, contact me at sj@sjgames.com and I'll have a good candidate call YOU.
-- Steve Jackson

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