May 25, 2011: Q&A: GURPS HorrorWith the recent upload of the PDF of GURPS Horror, we've gotten some questions about the printed version coming this August. Let's take care of some of them here. Will GURPS Horror be available in hardcover? What will the print version cost? What's changed between this edition and the last one? I found an error in the PDF! Is there time to fix it before the book goes to print? -- Paul Chapman My Unplanned Trip To LAThe plan was for Andrew to fly out to LA and participate in an event that will help introduce Munchkin to a larger audience. A few days in LA, and then back to Austin in time to turn around and rush off to a convention. All well and good . . . except that Andrew ended up sick and couldn't make the trip. So I went in his place. Okay, this was my first time on a set and it was a bizarre -- but fun! -- situation where I chatted about Munchkin; showed off Zombie Dice and Cthulhu Dice; handed out some promo cards, bookmarks, and coins; and eventually found myself being directed. About 12 hours at the studio for what's going to be roughly four seconds of me doing something I cannot discuss at this time. Oh, and our contacts at FNORD let me know that they captured my soul and are debating on who to sell it to. Not that anyone who knows me would say that losing my soul will affect things . . . But that wasn't enough for a trip to LA, so I stuck around one more day to visit the offices of . . . what? Still? Okay, I'm being told that we have not yet announced that project, so at the moment all I can do is say that I loved visiting the secret offices of entertainment and likely drooled a little more than I should have on their statues, books, floors, movie props . . . now what? Too far? Fine. Sorry, guys, but it looks like the best I can say for now is: be ready for an announcement. As has been already mentioned, Steve will be at Comicpalooza, where -- on Saturday, May 28th -- he'll announce one of our secret projects. The others will stay secret . . . for now. -- Phil Reed Share this post! |
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