May 21, 2011: Stuff We Say On TwitterThe Daily Illuminator (you know, this thing you're reading right now) is our primary stream of communication with the world for many reasons. It's archived, the format allows for the attachment of pretty pictures and links to more information, and web browsers are everywhere. But sticking to a daily schedule means that minute-by-minute updates need to go elsewhere: specifically, we post them to our Twitter account, @sjgames. The GTS Distribution Come & Play Day a couple weeks ago was a perfect example. During the show, Phil tweeted regular updates -- illustrated with photos from the BlackBerry that's permanently attached to his hand -- about the booth, the events, and Other Things . . . "Booth is up and running at the GTS Come and Play Day. -PR" "Getting ready for Steve's talk. Banners in place, and new release trying to escape. -PR" "Steve's talk at the GTS Come and Play Day went well and we leaked new goodies. That I won't share here. -PR" "Cthulhu! -PR" "Brrraaaaiiiinnnnnssssss!" These are the sort of "on the spot" updates that Twitter is perfect for, and since many of us carry smartphones, it's quick and easy to do. (The downside is that sometimes we post photos we shouldn't . . . a prototype die during testing, for instance.) Follow us for informational tidbits like these . . . and sometimes insights like this: "Unpacking. One playtest set came open inside the suitcase. Green tiddlywinks are in absolutely everything. -SJ" Ah, such are the hazards in the life of a game designer! -- Paul Chapman Share this post! |
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