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May 19, 2011: SJ At Comicpalooza

Later this month -- May 27-29 to be exact -- Steve will be a guest at Comicpalooza in Houston. There will be games of Munchkin, Zombie Dice, Cthulhu Dice, and many others. It'll be a perfect time for you to get that pocket-box copy of Ogre signed (or see a prototype of the new edition!), ask a question about game design, or listen to . . . The Big Announcement.

Yes, that Secret Munchkin Project we've been hinting at on Twitter -- no, not that one . . . wait, we actually have two Secret Munchkin Projects? Three? Man, there's so much Munchkin stuff going on in the office right now that I'm losing track!

Of the secret Munchkin projects that we've got in the works, one is a bit bigger than the others, and that's the one SJ willl be announcing during his panel. The exact date of said panel hasn't been released yet, so watch Comicpalooza's events page for updates.

And after your ears have been filled with SJ's awesome news, be sure to check out the rest of Comicpalooza. Panels on surviving a zombie attack, building your own scifi armor costume, and the steampunk lifestyle can keep you busy for the rest of the weekend. I've never seen a "Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock" tournament before, but it sounds like fun. And the guest list is as long as your arm, including Peter Mayhew, Larry Elmore, and the 501st Legion.

If you're a geek in the Houston area, Comicpalooza will be a great event. If you're a Munchkin fan in the Houston area, Comicpalooza will be an absolute no-brainer!

-- Paul Chapman

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