Daily Illuminator

August 22, 2009: Going to PAX

If you like video games and have a wicked sense of humor, you likely already read Penny Arcade, a webcomic with enough followers to pull off their own massive convention. How big? Big enough to crossover from digital games to the board and card game hobby, with a vengeance. And we're going to go!

Last year, Will, Randy, and Phil attended, and had a great time. The staff was fantastic, the attendees delightful, and the weather, mysteriously, was sunny and pleasant. (Isn't Seattle supposed to be overcast 24/7?) This year, we're adding a couple of people to the roster -- myself and SJ, to be precise -- as well as the Munchkin mascot, for those of you with cameras in hand, or on your phone/DSi/mobile device.

We'll be running Revolution!, The Stars Are Right, Frag Gold Edition, and the recently announced Nanuk. Seeing us at a table of Munchkin and Munchkin Quest isn't out of the question either. Heck, we may even roll some d6 for a GURPS game, if we get a chance!

If you're attending, look for us in the open gaming area, playing games. If you spot us in the exhibit hall, we'll be staring slack-jawed at Valve's zombies and Ubisoft's assassin, or guzzling Mana Potions, or going deaf by hanging around Harmonix. I also have it on good authority that Genesis Games & Gizmos will be on hand, with fully stocked shelves ready for your Munchkin impulse buys.

-- Paul Chapman

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