April 29, 2007: Frequently Asked Questions, GTS Edition
I expect Paul will have a comprehensive report on the GAMA Trade Show sometime next week, once he recovers. In the meantime, here are the questions I got most often. And, since I don't wish to be pointlessly cruel, the answers.
- How ya doing? Just fine. Selling so many Munchkin my ears are bleeding.
- Get your booth set up okay? Yep. They delivered the pallet three whole hours before the show opened. It was looking perfect with five minutes to spare, easy.
- What's new for Munchkin? Funny you should ask. Here's the Rigged Demo. There's the box mockup for Munchkin 5 - De-Ranged. It's at the printer now. And over here . . .
- Whoa, what's this? This is the prototype for the new Munchkin boardgame. Nobody outside GTS has seen this yet. Probably next week we'll put up a web page with some pictures.
- Wasn't it pointlessly cruel to tease them that way? Whoa! Breaking the fourth wall here! You didn't really ask that.
- That's true. So, is there going to be a supplement to Munchkin Cthulhu? Oh, absolutely, and there's been enough interest that we're going to see if we can push up the release date. No promises, though.
- How about Bavarian Fire Drill? Coming along, honest, except the Munchkin stuff keeps knocking it off the track.
- And GURPS? Funny you should ask. Here's a printout of GURPS Martial Arts. All done except the last bits of art. It'll go to press soon.
- So when's the next Fnordcast? Next week.
That's all for now. Got some pictures to take and a new web page to build . . .
Steve Jackson

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